Thursday, June 11, 2009


We're home and getting jolted into a new normal. I can't say I was surprised having done this 4 other times before! Haha, but you forget the enormous fatigue and lack of sleep that come along with a new little, precious bundle of joy!

I am looking forward to having all of my beautiful kiddos back under one roof (they have been crashing it, a little unwillingly so, at Memaw's house's for the past week) so I can recover a bit from my c-section having most of my husband's help... I am still having doubts about whether I'll be able to handle our new normal!

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

I know these verses to be true, so I will choose to believe and have faith in each new day, that God will be there to guide me, lift me up and give me strength to endure. The special moments, the little snippets of time where things are wonderful, beautiful... when you want to pause life... I believe will far outweigh and greatly leave pale in comparison, the inevitable sleepless nights, needy children and messy house.

My trust is in you, Lord. My joy is found in you and in you I will rest, knowing you will bring me through and not by the hair on my chinny chin chin( sorry I couldn't help myself) but marvelously, breathtakingly, stupendously, unscathed is how we will march out of and perceive the seemingly endless days in this season of change.

We have had many visits with our wonderful kids, and last time, my first-born helped me wash our little fifth blessing's face. She loves to be a helper around the house.

My little angel took the pictures, here are a few from her point of view...

My second in command was only able to stay for a moment then had to be whisked off to gymnastics. My little man is warming up to my fifth blessing and gave her a sweet kiss... I was able to read some books with him and have a little cuddle time...

Thank you Lord for our family! Bind our hearts together and draw us closer... to you.

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