Monday, December 14, 2009

Mysterious wonderment

Everyday, as constant as the sun, despite badgering weather, marches an army boot clad man with a white grocery bag in hand. Through my window panes, I catch glimpse of his slightly bent weathered frame slowly making his way to an unknown destination-then back again-steadily lifting one foot and placing it down in front of the other with a slight limp... trudging on the snow(as it may be on this day), down our rarely quiescent street.
His eyes fixed downward, as though completely alone; somewhere bound, dutifully called and thoughtfully purposed, he steadily treks on-unaware of my rapt curiosity. I find his enduring dedication inspiring; quiet mystery surrounds this grey-haired man's faithful daily ventures. Surely my curious wonderment would disappear into reality if we ever did meet.
-Amy Smith

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