His name was Martin, he is kind of like an exchange student, only an adult salesman type of exchange employee intern person... staying with a host family in Nampa for four months. His territory is the Ontario area-go figure. The books were awesome, geared toward pre-school-5th grade but definitely a few $$ to buy so after 15 minutes of oohing and aahing, interesting intuitive back and forth banter as he, my fifth blessing and I sat on my front porch, I sadly declined. In the beginning he asked me to guess what European country he is from just by listening to his accent. I guessed Germany. Not quite. Geography lessons here I come!
Funny dialogue moment not long after we met and I told him we have 5 kids: Him,"Can I ask you a question? Are you Mormon?" ({inward eye roll}heard this one before, Ha)Me,"No, just have what blessings the Lord gave us." Him,"Oh, okay." Me(looking at his books),"Can I ask you a question?" Are those Mormon?" Him, "No, I'm sorry, {nervous laugh} don't worry they're neutral." {smiles all around}
I am simple flesh. Weak. Fearful and broken.
Life is overwhelming and hard to understand at times, it's deeper than I can comprehend.
Beyond me.
God is Almighty. He is Strength, All-knowing and Omniscient.
He holds me up and will make all things known in the end, He carries me in His loving arms.
It's beyond me.
I fail, stumble and fall. My walls come crumbling down. I give up.
It's beyond me.
His promises never fail, his words are life itself, He is the Rock upon which I stand, He saved me,
because it is beyond me.
THIS song is my overwhelming prayer for a friend who is dear to my heart and continually on the breath of my prayers.
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