Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Random Thoughts

Totally had a children's book salesman from Estonia, FINLAND stop by my home this week. FINLAND(I'm not sure how I feel about our countries companies hiring out of country employees with so many jobless Americans, but enough said for now)! It was so much fun to talk to him(yes, I answer my door to strangers and don't just shrink behind my door in terror, no offense to those of you who do).  Wow, these companies are getting tricky!  They hire these foreigners with awesome foreign accents to enthrall and stir up interest in buying their wares. Pshaw. Didn't work on mwuah! Such a nice guy, though. Meeting people from across the world just reminds me of how vast and wide God's earth is.  It makes me want to travel, travel, travel and learn, learn, LEARN. Did you know that bi-lingual kids are usually smarter on average?
His name was Martin, he is kind of like an exchange student, only an adult salesman type of exchange employee intern person... staying with a host family in Nampa for four months.  His territory is the Ontario area-go figure. The books were awesome, geared toward pre-school-5th grade but definitely a few $$ to buy so after 15 minutes of oohing and aahing, interesting intuitive back and forth banter as he, my fifth blessing and I sat on my front porch, I sadly declined. In the beginning he asked me to guess what European country he is from just by listening to his accent. I guessed Germany. Not quite. Geography lessons here I come!
Funny dialogue moment not long after we met and I told him we have 5 kids: Him,"Can I ask you a question? Are you Mormon?" ({inward eye roll}heard this one before, Ha)Me,"No, just have what blessings the Lord gave us." Him,"Oh, okay." Me(looking at his books),"Can I ask you a question?" Are those Mormon?" Him, "No, I'm sorry, {nervous laugh} don't worry they're neutral." {smiles all around}
I am simple flesh. Weak. Fearful and broken.
Life is overwhelming and hard to understand at times, it's deeper than I can comprehend.
Beyond me.
God is Almighty. He is Strength, All-knowing and Omniscient.
He holds me up and will make all things known in the end, He carries me in His loving arms.
It's beyond me.
I fail, stumble and fall. My walls come crumbling down. I give up.
It's beyond me.
His promises never fail, his words are life itself, He is the Rock upon which I stand, He saved me,
because it is beyond me.

THIS song is my overwhelming prayer for a friend who is dear to my heart and continually on the breath of my prayers.

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