Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Random Thoughts

I am LOVING all of the refreshing rain we've been having and the green it's awakening these days. It's beautiful and energizing to see new growth and the changing of the season. I'm so ready to be out with the old and in with something NEW!

Now, honestly I am the LAST person to want to slam our president with words. I pray for him and respect his accomplishments and what I am going to say next is not meant to deface or put him down. He is merely a man. I have no prior personal expectations about who he should be or what he should do. As a public figure, though and the leader of our country I do believe we have the obligation to be aware and call him out on blatant lies along with his political and ethical moves or lack thereof. It is frustrating to me to see our president's reaction to the crisis in Japan. It reminds me of a donor, showing up long enough to put on their show and take the credit but leaving as soon as the "deed" has been done and the spotlight is off of them... Really? Leading our country is not about putting on the best show or a bunch of useless words-or even about giving money. That's easy.  It's about personally caring, showing sincere concern, sacrifice and leadership. Being the ultimate example in action, not about resting in luxury as you push your agenda. I guess what perplexes me the most is the fact that very few in this selfish country, including our president are willing to sacrifice. Whether it be money or time as well as putting prior plans on hold for a time, leaving room for flexibility; postponing tee time... if it inconveniences too much personally, it isn't even thought twice about. Life isn't a show! It rarely plays out like Hollywood depicts. Sometimes real life happens, catastrophe strikes and the fun stuff has to wait. Running our country is serious business, and I feel our president lives in a dream world, not the real world like the rest of us.

I am completely and utterly busy, busy, BUSY(borderline overwhelmed) getting things ready for my trip to New York City, New York(sorry, I just love writing the entire name, it get's me all excited)! So much to do, so little time, but that doesn't damper my excitement-I CAN'T WAIT!! So excited(did I already say that?) and I know it will be worth all of the gobbledygook to-dos once we're on the plane headed east. I am so thankful for this opportunity to travel, photograph, learn, grow and have heart to hearts with my sister and mom. What a blessing! I thrive on studying diverse cultures, putting feelings into pictures and my heart into print...  I am oh-so-passionate to a fault sometimes.
My kids and I enjoyed a day out shopping today despite the downpours. They are such sweet kids who desire to please. I enjoy them! 
They are quite the funny crew. They enjoy me, too I suppose most days. Ha ha!
Their favorite school subject is health and it's easy to see why.  We do hands on experiments and activities that correlate with our lesson.  What child wouldn't love to run around crazy for a few minutes to observe our elevated heart rate or put a raw egg in vinegar for days to watch how the vinegar seeps through the wall of the shell just like oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide through millions of alveoli in our lungs every time we take a breath(and we're a product of chance? *Ha ha cough snort choke--whatever floats your boat!), or a surprise oral competition,  reviewing things we've learned; playing for candy! Fun times.
The Lord is gracious to give those precious moments, those encouraging times to remind me WHY I am home schooling these sponges children...

For His purposes...
For them.

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