FYI, I cannot follow directions. I seriously lack the ability to only go halfway, hold back or have any kind of moderation. I throw caution to the wind---particularly in physical activities... Sometimes that is a good thing, but many times, it is unfortunately my downfall. We all have them-downfalls-though from one to the next, supremely different they may be.
I am training for a 10k along with dear fellow mommy friend, Jenn. Today I was supposed to run 2 miles. "Easy" they said on their online easy 10k program. Well, it ended up being, of course, a 2.2 mile run, as fast as I could, as relatively reserved as I could (only to keep from collapsing
), and ending in complete exhaustion. Once I recovered nicely, I was pleasantly surprised to find I had run it at a split time of 7 minutes and 49 seconds a mile and Jenn put in one of her best times yet as well!
I am always pushing to better my time, distance and overall performance. Pushing yourself farther than before, further than you're used to, sometimes even against ALL of the odds, sure isn't easy-but it sure does pay off with a dose of satisfaction in succeeding along with, in my case this morning, a runner's high.
Perseverance to the point of exhaustion, reaching for achieving the impossible. Continuing on continuing on-even when it feels beyond your capability-even if it seems to be leading you straight to your grave if you should continue to continue, is HARD. Impossible in most cases, because you would have to deny yourself, your own physical needs and in essence sentence yourself to death... Okay, okay, so most of us haven't even had to push ourselves a fraction of that far. In fact a lot of us lack any kind of authentic motivation or perseverance at all because we've never had solely the option of being forced out of our comfort zone. I think of a flower seed. Sown in the deserted crack of a highway. Limited to fragile life in the place where it has fallen. With engrained zeal, it pushes through the rocks, wind, scorching heat and traffic to grow into a beautiful bloom. Against all odds.
I think of Jesus. Our God became man. Succumbed to a lowly needy human. Against all fleshly odds, lived His life perfectly in the will of His Father, fulfilled prophecy, was burdened with all of my sin and shame and went to Hell and back to save mankind and become the Savior we sinners all personally need. Impossible? Seemingly so, and at the time, overwhelming as His body was pushed further than it could go. But nonetheless, He was victorious. God always is.
As I am challenged physically when I run, as I live daily life, as I walk through uncertain, tiring times, I think on these things. I ponder at how w
eak I really am in and of myself. But at the same time, I am spurred on as I gaze around at God's beautiful creation, listen to music of praise and am encouraged by uplifting words and comfort from others and a mighty invigorating chill washes over me as I realize it's not about what I can do. I meditate and remember that what I am pushing through at this moment, is only but a shadow to the horror many others have had to endure. And I am strengthened as I thank my Lord, the One who has already conquered all, that I am able because He is by my side making ALL things possible for me.
Persevere. Love always. Never give up. These things will shine, like a candle lit in the darkest of nights. Stick out like a vibrant flower blooming in the midst of rubble. And maybe, spur someone else to keep on, keeping on, for His glory, a
s we run, with perseverance, the race of life marked out for each of us personally. In the end of all life's keeping ons' we will rest victoriously in and gaze with awe on what, through Christ, we have overcome and conquered.
How marvelously and beautifully
Amy, I can't begin to tell you how much I needed to read this today. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for not only being encouraging in the things that you share so often, but also being a beautiful example of those things. Beautiful! and i love you!