Tuesday, April 27, 2010

little j designs

I never tire of taking pictures of my youngest baby girl. She's just so small, sMilEy and adorable.

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Clapping... her newest baby achievement.

Along with pulling up to standing on anything and everything!

It's hard to believe that this doll's mama would even dream of letting her grab the screw cap at the base of our toilet, start sucking on it and playing with it, just because that said mama was busy putting on make-up to head out of the door in a hurry. But no way when this baby girl's mama noticed the dilemma, did she then quickly dismiss it from being in the 'crucial to intervene category' as she went back to applying her eyeliner, deciding right then and there that sucking on such a grimy thing would only make her baby less susceptible to getting sick... nah, I wouldn't dream of it... but I sure may have done it!!

Created to be weaved into the fabric of our family, she blends beautifully!

Little darling girl.

This beautiful lace vignette centered with pearls was bought from a wonderful gal named, Jannicka off of her awesome site, little j designs.
Check it out!
She hand makes and sews her jewelry, hair bows, and accessories.

Pretty smile!

We're still working on keeping the headbands on.

Wearing her brother's hand-me downs... no, thankfully it's not the tights.

Thank you, little j designs for darling hair bows,
and thank you Jesus for adorable little girls to put them on.

1 comment:

  1. Aww I LOVE it!! Thank you for that, Amy! You're sweet. :) And Baby Ella is just too precious! And adorable!! :)
